HelloParks Páty goes green with hundreds of trees transforming landscape



210 saplings are planted in HelloParks Páty megapark, by the office developer member of Futureal Group. As part of their green initiative, they will plant a tree for every ten employees of the tenants moving into their new office buildings. The tenants’ employees also volunteered to help with the planting during a day-long team-building exercise.

This initiative has beautified not just Páty, but also the road leading to Aligamajor in Fót, as Futureal planted 115 trees near the HelloParks Fót megapark, too. The more than 300 saplings—including plane trees, maples, hornbeams, ash trees, and linden trees—can reach heights of 20-35 metres, depending on the species, and live for several hundred years. The trees capture 25-70 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide and produce 50 kilogrammes of oxygen annually. These plants have the dual benefit of promoting sustainable development in the local communities and improving air quality. In addition, they also help in reducing noise levels and provide habitats for various species through their root zone, trunk, and canopy.

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